Join ABNAO today!

Are you a Black nurse looking for community?

So many Black nurses in the Pacific Northwest report moving through most or all of their careers as the only ones in their professional workspaces. Join ABNAO to experience representation in your field with nurses and nursing students share your concerns for a more equitable healthcare system. 

Our chapter is committed to community support, solidarity with all BIPOC and LGBTQ+ health-oriented organizations, and building long-lasting relationships that will support and nourish your spirit.

As a Black nurse, I have been subjected to micro-aggressions and overheard racial slurs from colleagues and patients. I wanted to create ABNAO for a sense of solidarity.

Being a member of ABNAO means knowing I have a community to turn to for support who understands and validates my experience related to implicit bias. 

– Danaya Hall, Founder of ABNAO


I felt alone and isolated in my nursing program and it was negatively impacting my mental health and success in the program. I didn't feel like I had anyone I could talk to who understood my experiences or who could provide me with any guidance. By becoming a member of ABNAO I have gained a mentor, new friendships, and connections with other Black nurses in the area. I mostly gained support and an outlet to help my communities.

- Tanisha Jarvis

Before ABNAO, I have been the only Black nurse in nearly every position I've held, committee I've sat on, and workgroup I've participated in. (THE ONLY ONE) When I was first in the hospital I was often assumed to be Environmental Services staff, dietary staff, or a CNA. Now when out in the field I am often assumed to be a Medical Assistant or nursing student despite being a master's prepared, double-certified RN with 18 years of experience. There is nothing wrong with any of those roles but the presumption that the Black woman is always in a lower paying, lower educational level role is problematic. By joining ABNAO, I have gained an amazing community. I've also found great joy in being of service to the wider community, sharing the profession of nursing with young people, and seeing the pride and joy on community members' faces when they see nurses (and a mannequin) who look like them.

- Megan Ludeña

As a member of your local chapter and national organization, you have access to a network of Black nurses and allies, programming, and committee activities:

  • Cultivate interpersonal relationships with other Black and Non-Black nurses dedicated to anti-racist advocacy 

  • Mentorship for nursing students 

  • Scholarship funding

  • Professional development and networking 

  • Platform to create and advocate for policy reform

Our Mission

The Alliance of Black Nurses Association of Oregon (ABNAO) nurtures an empowered Black nursing community by promoting solidarity, professional enrichment, and collaborative partnerships.

Join today through the National Black Nurses Association (NBNA)

Please note you will have to create an account before you can fill out the application. You will be directed to select our local ABNAO chapter when completing the application.